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Honoring Those Who Serve

Honoring Those Who Serve

As we approach Veterans Day, the CCHS is paying tribute to those who have served or are serving in the US armed forces.

Last week, CCHS Peer Leaders collected candy for deployed service members and veterans.

We are also continuing to collect names of veterans for the Call of Faith & Duty: A Tribute to Veterans.

Supporting Our Troops – a "Sweet" Gesture

Students posing with candy to be donated

Last week, students in Peer Leaders held a Treats for Troops Candy Contest to collect candy for veterans and deployed servicemembers.

The candy is being donated to the Soldiers' Angels Treats for Troops program.

Thank you to Peer Leaders and to the CCHS community for supporting a great cause!

Thank you to Norwood Insurance Agency in Groveland for generously volunteering to ship the candy and also distributing to area veterans services!


Call of Faith & Duty: A Tribute to Veterans

In the spirit of Veterans Day, CCHS is paying tribute to all those from the Central Catholic community who have served or are serving in the military.

Click here to view our Honor Roll listing in Call of Faith & Duty: A Tribute to Veterans.

While we have collected the names of many, we have missed some and have outdated information for others.

Please submit additional names and updated information by clicking here.


Profiles of Faith & Duty

Beyond the Classroom: The Wall That Heals

Students explore the exhibit

Students in Central Catholic's AP English Literature Course visited The Wall That Heals, a traveling exhibit that features a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and a mobile Education Center. The students visited after reading and discussing The Things They Carried by novelist Tim O’Brien based on his experiences during the Vietnam War.

Beyond the Classroom: The Wall That Heals


Raider War Hero Receives Key to the City

Capt. James A. Mulligan '44 with Lawrence Mayor John Buckley (on left) at his return to Lawrence in 1973

Capt. James A. Mulligan '44 was a Navy pilot who served in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. On Wednesday, May 18, he was presented with a key to the City of Lawrence and other resolutions, awards, and gifts.

Raider War Hero Receives Key to the City


Reconnaissance by Fire: Arthur Moriarty '58

Arthur Moriarty '58 & Bill Cuddy '79

Arthur Moriarty '58 (on left), a Vietnam Veteran, was recently profiled by Bill Cuddy '79 (on right) in The Valley Patriot.

Arthur Moriarty ~ “Reconnaissance by Fire” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH, HERO IN OUR MIDST

John Cuddy '79 served in the US Navy’s Construction Battalions (also known as the Seabees) after retiring from the Navy; he earned a bachelor’s in history and a master’s in economics from the University of Massachusetts on the Lowell Campus.


Purple Heart: Daniel Cotnoir '90

Daniel Cotnoir '90 with wife Lori

Daniel Cotnoir '90 was recently highlighted in The Eagle-Tribune for his service and for receiving the Purple Heart. His is pictured with his wife in the above photo following the ceremony.

Merrimack Valley local receives long-awaited Purple Heart


US Space Force: 2nd Lt. Adam Morris '17

Adam Morris salutes after being commissioned in the US Space Force

This spring, Adam Morris '17 graduated from the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the US Space Force, the first person from NH to be so commissioned.

In the above photo, 2nd Lt. Adam Morris '17 is saluting his brother, Benjamin Morris '19 (a cadet in the US Coast Guard Academy), after being commissioned.

Click here to read, Guardian of the Galaxy: Meet the first Space Force officer from NH commissioned straight out of the academy (Manchester Ink Link). 


US Air Force Fighter Pilot: Collen Slein '13

Colleen in flight gear in front of jet

Colleen Slein '13, a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, is pursuing a career as a fighter pilot.

Read more in Raider News.


Vice Admiral Michael Gilday '80 Named Chief of US Naval Operations

Formal military portrait of Vice Admiral Michael Gilday

Congratulations to Vice Admiral Michael Gilday '80 on his confirmation as the 32nd Chief of Naval Operations. A graduate of the US Naval Academy, he has led a distinguished career in service to our nation.

Vice Admiral Michael Gilday '80 Named Chief of US Naval Operations


Call of Faith & Duty: A Tribute to Veterans

Memorial Gymnasium at night, with service banner

Help us pay tribute to all those from the Central Catholic community who have served or are serving in the military.

Click here to view our Honor Roll listing in Call of Faith & Duty: A Tribute to Veterans.

While we have collected the names of many, we have missed some and have outdated information for others.

Please submit additional names and updated information by clicking here.