Wishing Raider Nation a Blessed Easter!
Wishing Raider Nation a Blessed Easter!
Central Catholic wishes you and your families a Blessed Holiday as we celebrate the Joy & Promise of Easter!
Thank you to Campus Ministry, to the Liturgical Band & Chorus, and to all those who contributed to our Holy Week Prayer Service in the Memorial Gymnasium on March 28, 2024.
Photo Album: Holy Week Prayer Service
Memorial Gymnasium - Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024
Click here to view and download photos on SmugMug.
A Message from the President & Principal
While we certainly look forward to a long weekend, it is important to remember that it is the Joy and Promise of Easter, preceded by the sacrifice of our Lord that we celebrate during these days.
On Holy Thursday, we gathered as a school community for prayer as we venerated the Cross and remembered the sacrifice Christ made for us in the Easter Triduum.
As we recreated Jesus’ ritual of washing the feet of his disciples, we are reminded that we are not called to literally wash one another’s feet, but we ARE called to follow Jesus’ example of love, service and humility toward others. We continue this prayer through these remaining days of Holy Week, and we will remember all of you in these prayers.
On behalf of all of us at Central, we wish you and your families a Blessed Easter.
In Christ’s Love,
Christopher Sullivan '81, President
Doreen Keller '71PMA, Principal